Sunday, April 25, 2010

Busy Sunday

What a busy day! Woke up earlier than I thought. Puttered around the house and had breakfast, played a few games and read my Sunday political news rations.   Did 4 loads of laundry with the requisite drying, hanging and folding as I went.  Started getting stuff ready for Beltane --I'm halfway packed already and it's not even Wednesday deadline.  Cleaned out and reorganized my most cluttered dresser drawer- got my gloves & mittens organized, scarves and belts sorted out (threw out a bunch of outdated belts and two very dead handbags), sorted and folded shawls and put them in a mothproof bag with cedar chips and moth balls. Went to the dog park for an hour, then dropped by the Earth Day fair at Nob Hill for @ half an hour.  Saw Ye Olde Kitchen Witch and bought her marvelous foot cream which I really, really wanted today.  Didn't stay as long as I wanted because Raven was *not* a happy dog in the crowd, but YOKW and her hubby did watch Raven for a few minutes while I took a quick stroll around anyway.  After that, back home, made dinner and threw one more load of laundry in the wash.  Guess I will have to work tomorrow so I can kick back and relax for a few hours.  LOL.

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