Sunday, January 24, 2010

If Democracy Really Matters This News Should Matter To You Very Much

This is one thing I agree with McCain on in whole, spirit and principle.  This supreme court ruling is a colossal blunder and no corporation should have the rights of a private, individual citizen.  I'm not willing to become a second class citizen.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

The Hell You Say, Pat

Keith has a nifty point or two on this youtube video regarding your cruel, hideous remarks about the tragedy in Haiti. You're inexcusable, Pat Robertson. Simply inexcusable.

Sunday, January 03, 2010

New Years Laws & Stuff

The AP posted an article about new laws slated to take effect around the country as the new year kicks in.  One lady's comment made me think she's just very rich or very stupid.

The article said:  "America's roads should be safer in 2010, as bans on texting while driving go into effect in New Hampshire, Oregon and Illinois. According to the Governors Highway Safety Association, that will make 19 states that have outlawed the practice, not including six states that prohibit using hand-held cell phones while behind the wheel.

"This legislation is important and will make our roads safer. No driver has any business text messaging while they are driving," said Illinois Secretary of State Jesse White, whose office regulates drivers.
Tina Derby, 42, of Warner, N.H., said she has no intention to stop texting while driving, despite the possible $100 fine she could receive.
"I'd better start saving my money," Derby said."
I'm thinking she is deluding herself.  With that statement as a matter of public record, she is stating that she is willing to disregard public safety for her own pleasure.  That would become criminal in the event she is ever in an accident while texting.  She's stated her intent.  If there is a loss of life or limb to someone else as a result of an accident she is involved in while behind the wheel, I would think that an argument for depraved mind enhancement could legitimately be made.  Stupid people.